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Kiki 菠蘿屋創立于 2004 年 5 月(金牛座),甫在市場上推出,即如旋風般造成話題,好口碑不斷,樹立 Los Angeles 烘焙幸福新起點。

為了追求烘焙所帶來的幸福感受,並打造台灣師傅手工烘焙的新視野,Kiki 以宏關全球烘焙商品的角度,結合頂級原物料,專業技術與行銷設計規劃,打造出洋溢幸福元氣的烘焙新品牌。

KiKi Bakery was found and established on May, 2004 in Los Angeles and has been popular since then. We believe we are not just baking and selling breads and cakes; we also deliver happiness and enjoyment to our customers with our breads and cakes.

KiKi Bakery uses only top quality ingredients, with skillful and experienced professional bakers who bake with their heart and passion, and complete marketing plan to make sure we deliver the happiness and enjoyment with every product we made to our customers. We hope there is always a new delightful experience every time you walk into Kiki Bakery.

©2021 by Kiki Bakery.

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